4 Wellness Benefits You Can Get from Regular Exercise

Some people think a regular fitness routine is reserved for people who want to slim down, and some people think its only purpose is for bulking up, but exercise actually helps you experience numerous benefits that go far beyond your weight. Once you recognize what those additional wellness benefits are, it’s hard to ignore what a good fitness routine can do for your body and your mind. If you’re curious to learn more, keep reading to see four major wellness benefits you can get from regular exercise.
Increased Energy Levels
If your morning cup (or two) of coffee isn’t brewing your excitement for the day, maybe a morning workout will do the trick. Most people report feeling more energized after a Killer Workout, and there’s actually some science to explain why. Regular exercise helps distribute oxygen and nutrients to various parts of the body, which in turn can help your cardiovascular system function more efficiently. With that extra boost of oxygen and nutrients, you should have plenty of energy to take on the day.
Mood-Boosting Endorphins
Waking up on the wrong side of the bed sets the tone for a bad day, but exercise can often turn things around with some amazing mood-boosting endorphins. Ultimately, our mood is affected by the chemical balance inside our brain. Regular exercise may help increase levels of important mood-boosting chemicals and stress hormones, such as serotonin. Serotonin not only makes us feel relaxed but also elevates our mood. This means getting a quick morning sweat session in can help you feel happier and less anxious throughout the day.
Better Relaxation and Sleep
Many scientific studies have looked at the relationship between sleep quality and exercise. What the majority of these studies have found is that routine exercise can help you fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer. So, if you’re struggling to get a good night’s rest, you might want to incorporate some more activity into your day to help improve your sleep. However, it’s important to pick the right timing for a workout because exercising too close to bedtime might make you too energized to sleep.
Stronger Muscles and Bones
When we say regular exercise helps build stronger muscles and bones, we’re not talking about becoming the world’s strongest man or woman. We’re talking about slowly increasing the amount of muscle mass and bone density in your body, which can really impact you later in life. Both of these things tend to decrease with age, which leads to a higher risk of injury or disability. Creating a regular exercise routine early in life can help you prevent muscle degeneration and conditions like osteoporosis as you age.
If you’re ready to experience the benefits of regular exercise, then don’t wait for our gyms to reopen. You can get started on your fitness goals right now in your living room with our Killer At-Home Workouts. To try one for FREE, just click FIND A GYM at the top of our website, find your nearest gym, and sign up to receive an Introductory At-Home Workout video, which gives you a taste of what our workouts are really like.